Top page > Program > Workshop 5

Last update: Dec. 02, 2015 at 08:51

One-day workshop 5

Place: Panasonic Auditorium

Oct. 21

9:30-10:15Xavi Roca Maza (Milan)
New functionals for charge-exchange transitions and astrophysical applicationsSlide
10:15-11:00Kenichi Yoshida (Niigata)
Pairing in spin-isospin responsesSlide
11:30-12:10Haozhao Liang (RIKEN)
Localized form of Fock terms in nuclear covariant density functional theorySlide
12:10-12:40Pengwei Zhao (ANL)
Relativistic description for novel rotation and exotic shape in nucleiSlide
14:00-14:45Nobuo Hinohara (Tsukuba)
Collective modes and sum rules within nuclear density functional theorySlide
14:45-15:30Masayuki Yamagami (Aizu)
Study of low-frequency octupole vibrations of rotating superdeformed nuclei by means of cranked RPA calculation with Skyrme energy density functionalSlide
16:00-16:45Yusuke Tanimura (Orsay)
Collective aspects of microscopic mean-field evolution along the fission pathSlide
16:45-17:30Paul Stevenson (Surrey)
Using mean-field dynamics to understand density functionalsSlide