Thursday, 4 July Session 7: Nuclear Structure and Reaction for Astrophysics II 9:00 7-1 T. Kawabata (Osaka University) Nuclear experimental approach to cluster correlation and nucleosynthesis in the universe 9:25 7-2 M. Ito (Kansai University) Application of absorbing boundary condition to few-body cluster dynamics 9:50 7-3 Z. Yang (RCNP, Osaka University) Alpha-clustering in heavy nuclei 112-124Sn probed with (p,pα) reaction 10:10 7-4 Y. Taniguchi (National Institute of Technology, Kagawa College) Low-lying 12C + 16O Molecular Resonance Band in 28Si 10:30 7-5 M. Sasano (RIKEN) Gamow-Teller giant resonance in 132Sn 10:55 Coffee Break Session 8: Nuclear Matter and Neutron Stars 11:20 8-1 J. Lattimer (Stony Brook) Equation of state from neutron star mass and radius measurements 11:45 8-2 H. Togashi (Kyushu University) Nuclear equation of state based on the many-body calculation with realistic nuclear forces 12:10 8-3 M. Kurata-Nishimura (RIKEN) Experimental study of nuclear equation of state using heavy ion collisions at RIKEN-RIBF 12:30 8-4 T. Okihashi (Niigata University) Proximity effect of pair correlation in the inner crust of neutron stars with Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov theory 12:50 Lunch (13:00 IAC lunch at K206) Session 9: Special Session: Gravitational Wave and Nulceosynthesis 14:20 9-1 M. Ando (University of Tokyo) Gravitational-wave observation - Recent results and prospects - 14:55 9-2 M. Shibata (Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics) Merger of neutron-star binaries as a laboratory of neutron-star matter and nucleosynthesis 15:30 Coffee Break Session 10: Explosive Stellar Objects and Nuclear Physics 16:00 10-1 T. Takiwaki (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan) Explosion mechanism of core-collapse supernovae and recent progress in nuclear physics 16:25 10-2 A. Harada (ICRR, University of Tokyo) Stellar core-collapse simulations with the Boltzmann- radiation-hydrodynamics code under axisymmetry 16:45 10-3 T. Rauscher (University of Basel) Impact of uncertainties in nuclear reaction cross sections on nucleosynthesis beyond iron 17:10 10-4 M. Cheoun (Soongsil University) Neutrino self-interaction, MSW and shock effects on the neutrino-process for supernovae 17:35 10-5 T. Hayakawa (National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Techonology) Nuclear cosmochronometer for supernova neutrino process 17:55 10-6 M. Ono (RIKEN) Three-dimensional simulation from supernovae to their supernova remnants: the dynamical and chemical evolution of SN 1987A 18:15 Move to banquet 18:30 Banquet 20:30 End of banquet