Date | Name | Room | Paper |
3/2 | Watanabe | arXiv:1802.04278 All the entropies on the light-cone | |
2/23 | Terashima | K202 | arXiv:1710.07298 AdS/CFT Correspondence in Operator Formalism |
2/16 | Shimizu | K202 | arXiv:1707.03403 The Infrared Physics of Bad Theories |
2018/2/9 | Yokoyama | K202 | arXiv:1801.06895 The $T\bar{T}$ deformation of quantum field theory as a stochastic process |
12/22 | Takayanagi | Y306 | arXiv:1706.09432 A General Proof of the Quantum Null Energy Condition |
12/15 | Takayama | K102 | arXiv:1712.00319 Quantum gravity fluctuations flatten the Planck-scale Higgs-potential arXiv:0912.0208 Asymptotic safety of gravity and the Higgs boson mass arXiv:1709.03696 Status of the asymptotic safety paradigm for quantum gravity and matter |
12/8 | Sugimoto | K202 | arXiv:1708.06806 Time-Reversal Breaking in $QCD_4$, Walls, and Dualities in 2+1 Dimensions |
11/17 | Caputa | K202 | arXiv:1709.03597 Shockwaves from the Operator Product Expansion |
11/10 | Sasakura | K202 | arXiv:1710.07449 Emergent symmetries in the canonical tensor model |
10/27 | Sasaki | K202 | arXiv:1704.00259v2 Quantum Numbers of Recently Discovered $\Omega^0_c$ Baryons from Lattice QCD |
10/20 | Miyaji | Y306 | arXiv:1704.05333 Diving into traversable wormholes |
10/6 | Obster | Y306 | Defining Quantum Ricci Curvature |
7/28 | Park | Y306 | arXiv:1709.02388 Non-Abelian supertubes |
7/21 | Miyamoto | Y306 | arXiv:1705.05582 Machine learning of explicit order parameters: From the Ising model to $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ lattice gauge theory |
7/7 | Fernandez Melgarejo | K202 | arXiv:1703.10171 M-theory superstrata and the MSW string |
6/23 | Kundu | Y306 | arXiv:1610.09378 Einstein gravity 3-point functions from conformal field theory |
6/16 | Hikida | Y306 | arXiv:1704.08665 Stringy AdS$_3$ from the worldsheet |
6/2 | Choi | Y306 | arXiv:1612.06514 Supersymmetric localization in AdS$_5$ and the protected chiral algebra |
5/26 | Chen | Y306 | arXiv:1611.08613 Tensor network models of unitary black hole evaporation |
5/12 | Aoki | Y306 | arXiv:1707.03982 Flow equation, conformal symmetry and AdS geometry arXiv:1701.00046 Flow equation for the scalar model in the large $N$ expansion and its applications arXiv:1605.02413 Flow equation for the large $N$ scalar model and induced geometries |
4/28 | Sugita | Y306 | arXiv:1701.01383 Group field theory and tensor networks: Towards a Ryu-Takayanagi formula in full quantum gravity |
4/21 | Kubo | Y306 | arXiv:1703.04612 Fermionic localization of the Schwarzian theory |
4/21 | Kusuki | Y306 | arXiv:1702.00423 Bootstrapping the spectral function: On the uniqueness of Liouville and the universality of BTZ |
2017/4/14 | Umemoto | Y306 | arXiv:1608.05687 Traversable wormholes via a double trace deformation |