Conferences and Workshops
The registration form for online events in this program is here.
(We will send registrants online event information periodically.)
[Dec.25-28, 2025] The 5th ExU Annual Meeting of the Extreme Universe Collaboration @Matsuyama [Hotel Sunroute Matsuyama]
[Oct.27-31, 2025] ExU International Conference @YITP, Kyoto University
[June 30-July 4, 2025] The 4th young researchers' workshop of the Extreme Universe Collaboration @Aichi[Kyukamura Irago]
[Feb.17-20, 2025] Quantum Gravity and Information in Expanding Universe @ Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University [Website] (organized by the B02 and C01 groups)
[Jan.20-24, 2025] Recent Developments in Black Holes and Quantum Gravity @ Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University [Website] (organized by the B01 group)
[Oct.21-25, 2024] ExU International Conference "Quantum extreme universe: matter, information and gravity"@OIST, Okinawa [Poster] [Website]
[Sep.25-28, 2024] The 4th ExU Annual Meeting of the Extreme Universe Collaboration @Osaka University[Website]
[Sep.12-15, 2024] The 3rd young researchers' workshop of the Extreme Universe Collaboration & The 6th "Extreme Universe" School @Grand Park Otaru in Hokkaido [Website]
[Feb.19-23, 2024] The 2nd young researchers' workshop of the Extreme Universe Collaboration @Shirahamaso [Website]
[Dec.5-14, 2023] "The 18th Kavli Asian Winter School on Strings, Particles and Cosmology" (coorganized) [Website]
[Oct.10-13, 2023] Summer School: A novel numerical approach to quantum field theories 2023 (organized by group D01) [Website]
[Sep. 11, 2023] 3rd ExU Annual Meeting@YITP, Kyoto U.+online [Website]
[Sep.4-Oct.6, 2023] ExU-YITP International Long-term Workshop "Quantum Information, Quantum Matter and Quantum Gravity" @ YITP, Kyoto U.+online [Website]
[Apr.12, 2023] "Workshop on Quantum Simulation Research" (co-organized by group D01) U. Tokyo, Komaba+Online [Website]
[Apr.3-7, 2023] "Quantum Physics of Black Holes 2023" (organized by group B01)@YITP, Kyoto U.+Online [Website]
[Feb.13-17, 2023] 3rd ExU School@ U. Nagoya+Online [Website]
[Feb.13-17, 2023] The 1st young researchers' workshop of the Extreme Universe Collaboration @Nagoya U. [Website]
[Dec. 26-28, 2022] Second Annual Meeting of the Extreme Universe Collaboration @ Kobe Convention Center+Online [Website]
[Oct.17-21, 2022] "Third Kyoto Workshop on Quantum Information, Computation, and Foundations" (organized by group A01) @ Online [Website]
[Sep.26-30, 2022] ExU International Workshop "Quantum extreme universe from quantum information"@ YITP, Kyoto U. + online [Website]
[Sep.21-23, 2022] Workshop on General Relativity, Cosmology, and Black Hole Information Paradox (organized by group C03) @ Nagoya U. + online [Website]
[Sep.12-16, 2022] YITP Summer School: A novel numerical approach to quantum field theories (organized by group D01) [Website]
[May.16-20, 2022] APCTP Focus Program "Numerical Methods in Theoretical
Physics 2022" (Co-organized by a member of B02)@APCTP, Korea+online [Website]
[Mar.21-25, 2022] YITP international workshop "Quantum Information Entropy in Physics" (Members in A01,B01,B02 are among organizers) [Website]
[Mar. 7-8, 2022] First Annual Meeting of the Extreme Universe Collaboration @ YITP, Kyoto U.
[Jan. 17-21, 2022] An international online workshop on tensor networks "Tensor Network States: Algorithms and Applications(TNSAA)2021-2022 online" (organized by the D02 group)
[Dec.16-18, 2021] Online workshop
IFQ-ExU Joint Workshop: Extreme Universe from Qubits
[Dec.13-16, 2021] Workshop at YITP, Kyoto
KIAS-YITP 2021: String Theory and Quantum Gravity