Integrable Systems Workshops
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From nonlinear waves to integrable systems 2024
(Fukui University, November 8--10, 2024)
Mathematical structures of integrable systems, their new developments
(RIMS, Kyoto University, September 4--6, 2024)
From nonlinear waves to integrable systems 2023
(Toyama Pref. Univ, October 12 - 14, 2023)
Recent devolpments in mathematics of integrable systems
(Kyoto University, September 4 - 6, 2023)
Elliptic Integrable Systems, Representation Theory and
Hypergeometric Functions
(Tokyo, July 26-28, July 31 - August 4, 2023)
Differential Geometry and Integrable Systems
(OCAMI, Osaka, March 3--13, 2023)
Geometry of Submanifolds and Integrable Systems
(Takamatsu, Japan, November 26 - December 1, 2022)
Mathematical structures of integrable systems,
their developments and applications
(RIMS, Kyoto University, August 8 - 10, 2022)
Differential Geometry and Integrable Systems
(Osaka City University, March 1-21, 2022)
Geometry of Submanifolds and Integrable Systems
(Osaka City University and on-line, February 20 - 23, 2022)
Special Geometry, Mirror Symmetry and Integrable Systems
(Online, Waseda University, November 29 -- December 2, 2021)
Nonlinear waves and integrable systems
(Online, November 6--7, 2021)
Combinatorial Representation Theory and Related Fields
(Online, RIMS, Kyoto University, October 18-22, 2021)
Infinite Analysis 21 Workshop
(Online, September 27--29, 2021)
Various aspects of integrable systems
(Online, RIMS, Kyoto University, August 25-27, 2021)
From nonlear waves to integrable systems
(Online, Tsudajuku University, Tokyo, November 11-12, 2020)
Geometry of Submanifolds and Integrable Systems
(Osaka City University, December 2-6, 2019)
Nonlinear waves
(RIAM, Kyushu University, October 31 - November 2)
Mathematical structures of integrable systems, its deepening and expansion
(RIMS, Kyoto University, September 9-11, 2019)
New Trends in Integrable Systems 2019
(Osaka City University, September 9-20, 2019)
China-Japan Joint Workshop on Integrable Systems 2019
(Shonan Village Center, Japan, August 19-22, 2019)
Geometry of Submanifolds and Integrable Systems
(Osaka City University, Japan, March 22-26, 2019)
Symmetries and Integrability of Difference Equations
(Fukuoka, Japan, November 11-17, 2018)
Mathematical structures of integrable systems and their applications
(RIMS, Kyoto University, September 5-7, 2018)
Spectral Curves, Integrable Systems and Differential Geometry
(Osaka City University, March 22-23, 2018)
Nonlinear waves
(RIAM, Kyushu University, November 9-11, 2011)
Theory and Application of Integrable Systems
(RIMS, Kyoto University, September 4-6, 2017)
Differential Geometry and Integrable Systems
(Osaka City University, March 14-17, 2017)
Algebraic Geometry and Integrable Systems
(Kobe University, December 5-9, 2016)
Conformal field theory, isomonodromic tau-functions and Painlevé equations
(Kobe University, November 21-25, 2016)
Studies on Nolinear Waves
(RIAM, Kyushu University, November 3-5, 2016)
Studies on Integrable Systems: State of the Art and Perspective for Future
(Maskawa Hall, Kyoto University, September 5-7, 2016)
Integrable Systems, Moduli Spaces and Non-linear PDE
(OCAMI, Osaka, September 3-4, 2016)
Infinite Analysis 16 Summer School: Integrable Hierarchies and Beyond
(Nagoya University, August 29- September 1, 2016)
New Developments in Integrable Systems
(Osaka City University, March 24-27, 2016)
Painleve equations, integrable systems and moduli spaces
(Nihon University, Koriyama, Japan, February 6-8, 2016)
Topics on tropical geometry, integrable systems and positivity
(Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokyo, December 22-24, 2015)
Theory of Integrable Systems and Its Applications in Various Fields
(RIMS, Kyoto University, August 19-21, 2015)
Integrable Systems and Representation Theory
(Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Japan, March 9-11, 2015)
Representation Theory, Special Functions and Painleve Equations
(RIMS, kyoto University, March 3-6, 2015)
Search for Classical Analysis and Quantum Integrable Systems
(Kyoto University, November 15 - 17, 2014)
Studies on Nonlinear Waves
(RIAM, Kyushu University, October 30 - November 1, 2014)
Infinite Analysis 14: Summer School on Cluster Algebras in Mathematical Physics
(Nagoya University, Japan, September 9-11, 2014)
Various aspects of nonlinear mathematical models:
continuous, discrete, ultra-discrete and beyond
(IMI, Kyushu University, August 6-8, 2014)
Infinite Analysis 14: New Perspectives in Integrable Systems and Representation Theory
(University of Tokyo, Komaba, March 4-7, 2014)
[conerence home page]
Infinite Analysis 13 Autumn School: Quantum dilogarithm, modular double, and representation theory
(Osaka City University, November 20--22, 2013)
[conference home page]
Studies on Nonlinear Waves
(RIAM, Kyushu University, October 31 -- November 2, 2013)
[conference home page]
Novel Development of Nonlinear Discrete Integrable Systems
(RIMS, Kyoto University, September 2-4, 2013)
[conference home page]
Studies on Nonlinear Waves
(RIAM, Kyushu University, October 31 -- November 2, 2013)
Infinite Analysis 13: Past, Present and Future
(Department of Mathematics, Kyoto University, March 4-6, 2013)
[conference home page]
Bethe Ansatz, Quantum Groups and Beyond
(RIMS, Kyoto University, March 7-9, 2013)
[confernce home page]
Front of research on nonlinear waves --- diversity of structures and phenomena ---
(RIAM, Kyushu University, November 1-3, 2012)
[conference home page]
The breadth and depth of nonlinear discrete integrable systems
(Maskawa Hall, Kyoto University, August 20-22, 2012)
[abstract of talks]
[conference home page]
Infinite Analysis 11 Winter School:
Quantum cluster algebras and related topics
(Osaka University, December 20-23, 2011)
(conference home page)
New developments of nonliearr waves -- phenomena and mathemaics
(RIAM, Kyushu University, October 27-29, 2011)
[abstract of talks]
conference home page)
Development of Mathematics on Integrable Systems
(RIMS, Kyoto University, Autust 17-19, 2010)
[abstract of talks]
(conference home page)
- New developments of nonliearr waves -- phenomena and modelling
(RIAM, Kyushu University, October 28-30, 2010)
Diversity of the Theory of Integrable Systems
(RIMS, Kyoto University, August 18-20, 2010)
(conference home page)
Developments in Quantum Integrable Systems
(RIMS, Kyoto University, June 14-16, 2010)
(conference home page)
[Kokyuroku Bessatsu 28]
Current and future research on nonlinear waves
(RIAM, Kyushu University, November 19--21, 2009)
(conference home page)
Integrable systems and their applications
(conference home page)
(Future University Hakodate, August 10--12, 2009)
Infinite Analysis 09 -- New Trends in Quantum Integrable Systems
(Kyoto University, July 27--31, 2009)
(conference home page)
Mathematics and Physics of Nonlinear Waves
(RIAM, Kyushu University, November 6 -- 8, 2008)
(conference home page)
Expansion of integrable systems
(RIMS, Kyoto University, August 11--13, 2008)
(conference home page)
[Kokyuroku Bessatsu 13]
40 years Anniversary of Toda lattice - history and perspective of nonlinear wave research
(RIAM, Kyushu University, November 7-9, 2007)
Recent Trends in Integrable Systems
(RIMS, Kyoto University, August 20--22, 2007)
(conference home page)
Crossover of theories, numerics and experiments in nonlinear waves
(RIAM, Kyushu University, November 6--8, 2006)
Prospects of theories of integrable systems
(RIMS, Kyoto University, August 21--23, 2006)
Nonlinear waves and dynamical systems --- phenomena and mathematics
(RIAM, Kyushu University, November 9--11, 2005)
From soliton theory to integrable mathematics
(RIMS, Kyoto University, August 22 - 24, 2005)
RIMS Project Research 2004: Method of algebraic analysis in integrable systems
(RIMS, Kyoto University, February 2004 -- March 2005)
Physical and mathematical structure of nonlinear waves
(RIAM, Kyushu University, November 15 -- 17, 2004)
- Elliptic integrable systems
(RIMS, Kyoto University, November 8--11, 2004)
Perspectives and applications of mathematics of integrable systems
(RIMS, Kyoto University, August 2-4, 2004)
Nonlinear waves and nonlinear dynamical systems
(RIAM, Kyushu University, November 12--14, 2003)
Theory of integrable systems and related topics
(RIMS, Kyoto University, July 30 -- August 1, 2003)
Recent topics in nonlinear waves and dynamical systems
(RIAM, Kyushu University, November 6--8, 2002)
New developments in the research of integrable systems
--- continuous, discrete, ultradiscrete
(RIMS, Kyoto University, July 31 -- August 2, 2002)
Theory and Applications of Nonlinear Waves
(RIAM, Kyushu University, November 14--16, 2001)
Bilinearization method and related topics in
studies of integrable systems
(RIMS, Kyoto University, July 2--4, 2001)
State of Arts and Perspetives in Integrable System Studies
(Kyodai Kaikan, Kyoto, Feb. 3 - 4, 2001)
Development in discrete integrable systems
-- ultradiscretization and quantization --
(RIMS, Kyoto University, August 2 - 4, 2000)
Recent topics on box-ball systems
(Osaka University, December 3 - 4, 1999)
Mechanism of nonlinear waves --
mathematical structure of phenomena and models
(RIAM, Kyushu Univeristy, November 8 - 10, 1999)
Recent Topics in Discrete Integrable Systems
(RIMS, Kyoto University, August 2 - 4, 1999)
Lotka-Volterra Equations
(Senri Life Science Center, December 4 - 5, 1998)
Advances in Soliton Theory
(RIAM, Kyushu University, November 9 - 11, 1998)
Applied Analysis of Discrete Integrable Systems
(RIMS, Kyoto University, July 29 -31, 1998)
Advances in Soliton Theory
(Research Institute for Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University,
November 26 - 28, 1997)
Discrete Integrable Systems and Discrete Analysis
(RIMS, Kyoto University, July 28 - 30, 1997)
Advances in soliton theory and its applications
-- The 30th anniversary of the Toda lattice
(Graduate School for Advanced Studies, Hayama Campus,
December 1 - 4, 1996)
Integrability Point of View in Applied Mathematics
(October 24 - 26, Osaka University)
Discretization of Integrable System: Theory and Application
(RIMS Kyoto University, July 1996)
Soliton Theory and Its Applications
(Graduate School for Advanced Studies, Hayama Campus,
November 1995)
Applied Mathematics of Nonlinear Integrabe Systems
(RIMS Kyoto University, July 1995)
W-algebras, Matrix Models, String Theory, and ...
(Department of Mathematics, Kyoto University, December 1994)
Mathematics of Nonlinear Integrable Systems
(Waseda Universty, October 1994)
Quantization, Geometry and Integrable Systems
(Kyodai Kaikan, September 1994)
Applied Analysis by Nonlinear Integrable Systems
(RIMS Kyoto University, July 1994)
Stochastic Models and Nonlinear Integrable Systems
(Institute of Statistical Mathematics, July 1993)
State of Arts and Perspetives of Studies on Nonlinear
Integrable Systems
(RIMS Kyoto University, November 1993)
State of Arts and Perspetives of Studies on Nonlinear
Integrable Systems
(RIMS Kyoto University, October 1992)
State of Arts and Perspetives of Studies on Nonlinear
Integrable Systems
(Kyodai Kaikan, October 199)