
We will organize an online joint workshop ”Extreme Universe from Qubits” during Dec.16-18 with It from Qubit Simons collaboration. C01 and D01 group also organize a workshop at YITP, Kyoto ”KIAS-YITP Joint Workshop 2021 String Theory and Quantum Gravity” during Dec.13-16.

We will start on-line colloquium series “Extreme Universe Colloquium”. The first colloquium will be held on Dec.4 (Sat.) 10am (JST) and the speaker will be Shinsei Ryu (Princeton U.).
See the poster. We accept the registrations from our online event website. We accept registrations done 3 days before each event.


The website of this collaboration has opened.


Call for postdoctoral fellowships [AJO website] in this collaboration has opened.


Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas A “The Natural Laws of Extreme Universe--A New Paradigm for Spacetime and Matter from Quantum Information was started.