
The 14th Extreme Universe Colloquium was held. [Colloquium Video][Slides].


We will have the 15th online colloquium “Extreme Universe Colloquium” on April 13th (Thu) 22:00 (JST). The speaker is Prof. Andrew Strominger (Harvard University). For details, please refer to the poster. If you have not registered yet, please register at our online event website at least three days prior to the colloquium. (It is not necessary to register again if you have done it already.)


Takanori Anegawa, from our B01 group, who is a graduate student at the University of Osaka is awarded a prize, "Osaka University Graduate School of Science Outstanding Research Prize"(「大阪大学大学院理学研究科優秀研究賞」in Japanese).


Our B01 group will co-host a workshop "Quantum Physics of Black Holes 2023" at the Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University from April 3rd to 7th. The speakers include Andreas Blommaert (SISSA & INFN), Pierre Heidmann (Johns Hopkins)†, Daniel Kabat (CUNY), David Kutasov (Chicago), Hong Liu (MIT)†, Emil Martinec (Chicago), Rodolfo Russo (QMUL), Kotaro Tamaoka (Nihon U), and Nicholas Warner (CEA Saclay & USC) (†: online lecture). For details and registration, please visit [this webpage]. The deadline for short talk submission is March 20th.


Our group D01 will co-host a one-day workshop "Workshop on Quantum Simulation Research" on April 12 at the University of Tokyo, Komaba Campus on Wednesday, April 12. It will be held as an on-site/online hybrid workshop. The speakers are Neill Lambert (RIKEN), Wataru Mizukami (QIQB, Osaka University), Enrico Rinaldi (Quantinuum and RIKEN), Kazuhiro Seki (RIKEN). For details, please refer to [the workshop homepage].


We will have the 14th online colloquium “Extreme Universe Colloquium” on March 16th (Thu) 17:00 (JST). The speaker is Prof. Monika Aidelsburger (LMU München). For details, please refer to the poster. If you have not registered yet, please register at our online event website at least three days prior to the colloquium. (It is not necessary to register again if you have done it already.)


The theory on quantum energy teleportation proposed by Prof. Masahiro Hotta (Tohoku University) from our C02 group" has been featured by the Quanta Magazine of the Simon Foundation. Two recent experiments and an upcoming experiment using the quantum Hall system, which is one of the important targets of our C01 group, are described.


Since last year new members have joined group E (the publicly offered research group) of the ExU collaboration. We will start an online "ExU interdisciplinary seminar series", inviting mainly the group E members as lecturers. The 1st ExU interdisciplinary seminar will be held on Feb. 22 (Wed) from 10:00 am, with Prof. Kotaro Tamaoka (Nihon U.) and Prof. Tokiro Numasawa (Inst. for Solid State Physics) as lecturers. Please register for participation via [this link].


We will have the 13th online colloquium “Extreme Universe Colloquium” on February 24th (Fri) 16:00 (JST). The speaker is Prof. Takahiro Tanaka (Kyoto University). For details, please refer to the poster. If you have not registered yet, please register at our online event website at least three days prior to the colloquium. (It is not necessary to register again if you have done it already.)


The 12th Extreme Universe Colloquium was held. [Colloquium Video][Slides].