
We are organizing an international workshop every year as a joint activity of the Extreme Universe Collaboration. Next year we will organise the workshop, "Quantum Information, Quantum Matter and Quantum Gravity", which extends for five weeks (Sep.4 - Oct.6). The registration will be open after April 2023. We have a new webpage for this workshop, https://www2.yukawa.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~qimg2023/index.php.


We will have the 11th online colloquium “Extreme Universe Colloquium” on December 16th (Fri) 10:00 (JST). The speaker is Prof. Seok Kim (Seoul National University). For details, please refer to the poster. If you have not registered yet, please register at our online event website at least three days prior to the colloquium. (It is not necessary to register again if you have done it already.)


The Presentation Award of the international workshop "The 31st Workshop on General Relativity and Gravitation in Japan" is awarded to Masaya Amo, a graduate student from our group C03. For details, please see https://www.resceu.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/symposium/jgrg31/award.html.


Young Scientist Award of the Physical Society of Japan is awarded to Zixia Wei from our C01 group.


Student Presentation Award of the Physical Society of Japan is awarded to the graduate students Kazuki Yamamoto (B02), Taishi Kawamoto (C01), and Masaya Amo (C03) from our collaboration.


We will have the 10th online colloquium “Extreme Universe Colloquium” on November 18th (Fri) 17:00 (JST). The speaker is Prof. Antonio Miguel Garcia-Garcia (Shanghai Jiaotong University). For details, please refer to the poster. If you have not registered yet, please register at our online event website at least three days prior to the colloquium. (It is not necessary to register again if you have done it already.)


The 9th Extreme Universe Colloquium was held. [Colloquium Video][Slides].


We will have the 9th online colloquium “Extreme Universe Colloquium” on October 14th (Fri) 22:00 (JST). The speaker is Prof. Netta Engelhardt (MIT). For details, please refer to the poster. If you have not registered yet, please register at our online event website at least three days prior to the colloquium. (It is not necessary to register again if you have done it already.)


Our A01 group will organize an online workshop "Third Kyoto Workshop on Quantum Information, Computation, and Foundations" (October 17th-21st). For details, please see https://www2.yukawa.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~qicf22/.


A paper by Prof. Yasuaki Hikida from group C01 and his collaborator is press released. They have constructed a holographic theory of three-dimensional de Sitter gravity, and performed, for the first time, a successful holographic computation of the primordial fluctuations. For details, please see https://www.kyoto-u.ac.jp/ja/research-news/2022-08-10.