YITP Workshop
Strings and Fields

July 22-26, 2014
Panasonic Auditorium, Yukawa Hall and Conference Room
Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics


Invited talks including an overview are marked with an asterisk *.

Tuesday, July 22

Morning session 1 (10:30-11:40) Click the button for abstract
Masato Taki RIKEN 5d SCFTs, Enhanced Symmetry and Nekrasov Partition Functions*
Morning session 2 (12:00-12:50) Click the button for abstract
Akinori Tanaka Osaka University Superconformal index on RP^2 × S^1 and mirror symmetry
Heng-Yu Chen National Taiwan University Defects and Duality in Superconformal Indices
Afternoon session 1 (14:00-15:40) Click the button for abstract
Yutaka Yoshida KIAS Higgs branch localization of 3d N=2 theories
Tatsuhiro Misumi Keio University Exact Results in Supersymmetric Lattice Gauge Theories
Shamik Banerjee Kavli IPMU Trace Anomaly Matching and Exact Results For Entanglement Entropy
Shin Sasaki Kitasato University World-volume Effective Actions of Exotic Five-branes
Afternoon session 2 (16:25-18:05) Click the button for abstract
Yuki Yokokura Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics An Approach to the Information Problem in a Self-consistent Model of the Black Hole Evaporation
Reiji Yoshioka Osaka City University $q$-Virasoro/W algebra at root of unity limit and parafermion
Pei-Wen Kao National Taiwan University Doubled D-branes in generalized geometry.
Tetsuji Kimura Tokyo Institute of Technology Duality Transformations of Gauged Linear Sigma Model with F-term

Wednesday, July 23

Morning session 1 (9:00-10:10) Click the button for abstract
Gary Shiu Hong Kong IAS / Wisconsin-Madison Progress in String Cosmology*
Morning session 2 (10:40-11:55) Click the button for abstract
Daniel Junghans Hong Kong IAS Brane Curvature Corrections to the N=1 Type II/F-theory Effective Action
Pablo Soler Hong Kong IAS U(1) portals into hidden sectors
Taizan Watari Kavli IPMU Distribution of Number of Generations
Morning session 3 (12:10-13:00) Click the button for abstract
Yukihiro Fujimoto Osaka University Operator analysis of magnetized T^2/Z_N orbifolds
Toshifumi Noumi RIKEN Effective field theory for spacetime symmetry breaking
Afternoon session 1 (14:15-15:05) Click the button for abstract
Yutaka Ookouchi Kyushu University Discrete Gauge Symmetry and Aharonov-Bohm Radiation in String Theory
Shun'ya Mizoguchi KEK F-theory Family Unification: A new geometric mechanism for unparallel three families and large lepton-flavor mixings
Afternoon session 2 (Poster Session) (15:25-17:55) Click the button for abstract

Poster session 1

List of the presenters (Alphabetical order) Click the button for abstract
Yuki Amari Tokyo University of Science Collective coordinate quantization of the CP^2 extended Skyrme-Faddeev soliton
Florian Beye Nagoya University A Classification of Bosonic Supercurrents
Shoichi Ichinose University of Shizuoka Dissipative Models and Non-equilibrium Statistical Approach
Takenori Ishii Ritsumeikan University Thermodynamic limit of the Nekrasov-type formula for E-string theory
Hiroshi Isono National Tsing Hua University Note on the self-duality of gauge fields in topologically nontrivial spacetime
Satoru Itaya Tokyo University of Science Superconducting strings in the classical U(1)×U(1) model
Yuta Ito SOKENDAI Numerical studies on the early universe by large-scale numerical computations in the Lorentzian IIB matrix model
Yusuke Kanayama Tokyo Institute of Technology Central charges in Omega-deformed N=4 super Yang-Mills theory
Taishi Katsuragawa Nagoya University Anti-evaporation in massive/bi-gravity
Yoji Koyama National Tsing-Hua University Slow-roll inflation model from higher-dimensional gravity with a U(1) gauge theory
Shogo Kuwakino Chung Yuan Christian University Discrete Flavor Symmetry in String Model
Christopher Locke Tokyo Institute of Technology ODE/IM correspondence and modified affine Toda field equations
Bekir Can Lutfuoglu Akdeniz University Models inspired by Gursey model and their RG analysis
Hiroki Matsuno Tokyo Institute of Technology Supersymmetric backgrounds from 5d N=1 supergravity
Akitsugu Miwa Nihon University Quantum corrections for a string world sheet in AdS/CFT correspondence.
Hironori Mori Osaka University M5-branes and Wilson Surfaces in AdS_7/CFT_6 Correspondence
Hisayoshi Muraki Tohoku University D-brane on Poisson manifold and Generalized Geometry
Daichi Muranaka Nagoya University The study of thermal Skyrmions in Yang-Mills theory
Satoshi Nakamura The University of Tokyo Instanton counting for classical groups

Thursday, July 24

Afternoon session 1 (14:00-15:40) Click the button for abstract
Tsukasa Tada RIKEN Sine-Square Deformation and its Relevance to String Theory
Kenji Hotta Hokkaido University Brane-Antibrane and Closed Superstrings at Finite Temperature in the Framework of Thermo Field Dynamics
Masafumi Ishihara AIMR Glueball instability and thermalization driven by dark radiation
Hiroyuki Kitamoto Seoul National University Stochastic Dynamics of Infrared Effects in Accelerating Expanding Universe
Afternoon session 2 (16:00-16:50) Click the button for abstract
Yuji Igarashi Niigata University Functional Renormalization Group approach and realization of gauge symmetry in QED
Shin-Ichiro Kumamoto Kanazawa University Weak renormalization group approach to the dynamical chiral symmetry breaking
Afternoon session 3 (17:10-18:25) Click the button for abstract
Makoto Sakamoto Kobe University Non-renormalization theorem and cyclic Leibniz rulein lattice supersymmetry
Kengo Kikuchi Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics Supersymmetric Extension of Gradient Flow Equation
Richard Eager Kavli IPMU Superconformal field theories and cyclic homology

Friday, July 25

Morning session 1 (9:00-10:10) Click the button for abstract
Shlomo Razamat IAS Connections between supersymmetric dualities in different dimensions (tentative)*
Morning session 2 (10:40-11:30) Click the button for abstract
Yu Nakayama Kavli IPMU Five dimensional O(N)-symmetric CFTs from conformal bootstrap
Tatsuo Azeyanagi Ecole Normale Superieure On Noether charge for theories with Chern-Simons terms and fluid/gravity correspondence
Morning session 3 (11:45-13:00) Click the button for abstract
Shinsuke M. Nishigaki Shimane University Tracy-Widom distribution as instanton sum of 2D IIA superstrings
Sanefumi Moriyama Nagoya University Instanton Effects in Orbifold ABJM Theory
Shoichi Kawamoto National Center for Theoretical Sciences, Taiwan Exact vs. high-energy symmetries in string scattering amplitudes
Afternoon session 1 (14:15-15:05) Click the button for abstract
Noriaki Ikeda Maskawa Institute for Science and Culture BV-BFV and AKSZ Formalisms of Current Algebras
Muneto Nitta Keio University Non-relativistic Nambu-Goldstone modes localized around topological solitons
Afternoon session 2 (Poster Session) (15:25-17:55) Click the button for abstract

Poster session 2

List of the presenters (Alphabetical order) Click the button for abstract
Mitsuhiro Nishida Osaka University Phase Diagram of a Holographic Superconductor Model with s-wave and d-wave
Takuya Nishimura The University of Tokyo Three-point functions in AdS${}_5$/CFT${}_4$ at weak coupling from integrability
Tomoki Nosaka Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics The Partition Function of Super Chern-Simons theories from Fermi Gas Approach
Tokiro Numasawa Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics Entanglement Entropy of local operator excited states in 2d RCFTs
Yuichi Ohara Nagoya University New model of massive spin-2 and its possible application
Satoshi Okano Nihon University A twistorial model for massive spinning particles
Ayuki Saito Tokyo University of Science Brane solutions of Hopf soliton in seven dimensions
Yuho Sakatani Seoul National University Defect branes as Alice strings
Yoshiki Sato Kyoto University Holographic Schwinger effect in confining theories
Kiyoshi Shiraishi Yamaguchi University Spontaneous Compactification of Six-dimensional Bimetric Theory
Sotaro Sugishita Kyoto University Holographic holes in higher dimensions
Koki Takesue Tokyo University of Science Calorons and the monopole limit
Yuta Tamaki Tokyo University of Science Integrable sectors of multi-vortices in the Skyrme-Faddeev type model
Anderson Trimm University of Texas, Austin Tinkertoy construction of gauge theories
Jackson Wu National Center for Theoretical Sciences, Taiwan Quantum quench in the holographic Kondo model
Futoshi Yagi KIAS Base-Fiber Duality and Global Symmetry Enhancement
Masaya Yata KEK Toric GLSM for ALE space
Takahiro Yonemoto Kyushu University Radiation of Supersymmetric Particles from Aharonov-Bohm R-string
Hiroaki Yoshii Tokyo University of Science The Dirac equation in the five-dimensional AdS space-time

Saturday, July 26

Morning session 1 (9:00-10:10) Click the button for abstract
Morning session 2 (10:30-11:45) Click the button for abstract
Shotaro Shiba Maskawa Institute for Science and Culture Analysis of black branes in field theory via p-soup model
Charles Melby-Thompson Kavli IPMU Defect Holography and the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect
Goro Ishiki Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics Emergent bubbling geometries in gauge theories with $SU(2|4)$ symmetry
Morning session 3 (12:00-13:15) Click the button for abstract
Hidehiko Shimada Okayama Institute for Quantum Physics Membranes from monopole operators in ABJM theory: Large angular momentum and M-theoretic AdS4/CFT3
Daisuke Yokoyama Seoul National University Free energy from toric diagram in AdS4/CFT3
Yasuaki Hikida Rikkyo University Higher spin AdS_3 holography and superstring theory
Afternoon session 1 (14:25-15:40) Click the button for abstract
Shigenori Seki Hanyang University EPR = ER and Scattering
Masahiro Nozaki Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics Notes on Quantum Entanglement of Local Operators
Pawel Caputa Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics Entanglement of Local Operators in large N CFTs
Afternoon session 2 (16:15-17:30) Click the button for abstract
Song He Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics Holographic entanglement temperature for low thermal excited states
Noburo Shiba Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics Entanglement between two interacting CFTs and generalized holographic entanglement entropy
Noriaki Ogawa RIKEN Entanglement Entropy of de Sitter Space $\alpha$-Vacua