Unofficial mirror page of 22nd CAPRA meeting
Unofficial mirror of 22nd CAPRA slides @
Andrea Antonelli (AEI)
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A non-spinning effective-one-body Hamiltonian
for small-mass-ratio binaries in a quasi-circular orbit
David Quispe Aruquipa (CBPF)
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A naive attempt to calculate the metric
perturbation in the Regge-Wheeler gauge
Leor Barack (University of Southampton)
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Self-force effects in the marginally bound zoom-whirl orbit
Beatrice Bonga (Perimeter Institute)
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Tidal resonances in EMRIs
Richard Brito (University of Rome)
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Discovering new physics with LISA and EMRIs
Alvin Chua (JPL-Caltech)
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EMRI kludges:
What they are, why they're important, and how to end them
Samuel Cupp (Louisiana State University)
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Progress in self-consistent evolution
with a time domain gravitational self-force code
Peter Diener (Louisiana State University)
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Towards the Self-consistent Evolution of
a Scalar Charge Around a Schwarzschild Black Hole (Yet Again)
Edgardo Franzin (Universitat de Barcelona)
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Recent results on tidal deformability of black holes
Scott A Hughes (MIT)
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"Fairly fast" adiabatic EMRI waveforms
Chris Kavanagh (AEI)
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Dissipative self-force with a spinning secondary:
`Flux-balance laws'
Alexandre Le Tiec (Observatoire de Paris)
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Probing the vicinity of the Galactic Center black hole with LISA
Luis F. Longo Micchi (UFABC)
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Spectroscopy of extremal and near-extremal Kerr black holes
Cassio Marinho (UBPF)
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Quasinormal Modes of Rotating Black Holes
in a de Sitter Universe
Christopher Munna (University of North Carolina)
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Eccentric orbit EMRIs: Informing the PN expansion
through black hole perturbation theory and multipole moment analysis
Thomas Osburn (State University of New York)
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Using self-force results to test kludge vs. Teukolaksy waveforms
for eccentric EMRIs
Conor O'Toole (UCD)
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Time Domain Method for the Green Function
in Schwarzschild Spacetime
Adam Pound (University of Southampton) and Nils Warburton (UCD)
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A practical guide to second-order
self-force calculations
Paul Ramond (Observatoire de Paris)
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First law of mechanics for quadrupolar compact objects
Takahiro Tanaka (Kyoto University)
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Hamiltonian formulation for EMRIs
Justin Vines (AEI)
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Black hole scattering in post-Minkowskian
(classical and quantum) gravity
Vojtech Witzany (AEI)
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Influence of secondary spin in EMRIs
Administrator: Soichiro Isoyama
e-mail: isoyama [AT]
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