To participants !
When you submit your paper which acknowledges YIPQS, please tell us via E-mail
Workshops in 2024
- Long-term workshops
- ・Frontiers in Non-equilibrium Physics 2024, Jul.1-Aug.2, 2024 (YITP archive).
- ・YKIS2024: Dynamics Days Asia Pacific 13, Jul.1-Jul.5, 2024 (YITP archive).
- ・Hadrons and Hadron Interactions in QCD 2024, Oct.14-Nov.15, 2024 (YITP archive).
- Molecule-type workshops
- ・Recent Developments and Challenges in Topological Phases, Jun.3-Jun.14, 2024 (YITP archive).
- ・Advances in Fluctuating Hydrodynamics: Bridging the Micro and Macro Scales, Jun.17-Jun.28, 2024 (YITP archive).
- ・Theory and Data Analysis Challenges for Cosmological Large-Scale Structure Observations, Nov.11-Nov.22, 2024 (YITP archive).
- ・Topology and Dynamics of Magneto-Vortical Matter, Jan.13-Jan.24, 2025 (YITP archive).
Workshops in 2023
- Long-term workshops
- ・Quantum Information, Quantum Matter and Quantum Gravity, Sep.4-Oct.6, 2023 (YITP archive).
- ・YKIS2023: Foundations and Developments of Quantum Information Theory, Sep.18-Sep.22, 2023 (YITP archive).
- ・Gravity and Cosmology 2024, Jan.29-Mar.1, 2024 (YITP archive).
- Molecule-type workshops
- ・Revisiting cosmological non-linearities
in the era of precision surveys, Jul.13-Jul.28, 2023 (YITP archive).
- ・Extreme Mass Dark Matter Workshop: from Superlight to Superheavy, Mar.4-Mar.22, 2024 (YITP archive).
- ・Condensed Matter Physics of QCD, Mar.11-Mar.22, 2024 (YITP archive).
- ・Quantum Error Correction, Mar.18-Mar.29, 2024 (YITP archive).
Workshops in 2022
- Long-term workshops
- ・Mean-field and Cluster Dynamics in Nuclear Systems 2022, May 9-Jun.17, 2022(YITP archive).
- ・YKIS2022b: Developments of Physics of Unstable Nuclei, May 23-May 27, 2022 (YITP archive).
- ・Novel Quantum States in Condensed Matter 2022, Oct.31-Dec.2, 2022 (YITP archive).
- Molecule-type workshops
- ・Cosmology with Weak Lensing :Beyond the Two-point Statistics, Apr.11-Apr.15, 2022 (YITP archive).
- ・Quantum Dynamics in Few-body Systems, Aug.22-Aug.26, 2022 (YITP archive).
- ・Fundamentals in density functional theory, Dec.7-Dec.20, 2022 (YITP archive).
- ・Non-linear nature of cosmological perturbations and its observational consequences, Mar.13-Mar.30, 2023 (YITP archive).
- ・Quantum Error Correction, Mar.20-Mar.31, 2023 (YITP archive).
Workshops in 2021
- Long-term workshops
- ・Novel Quantum States in Condensed Matter 2021, postponed (YITP archive).
- ・Gravity and Cosmology 2022, postponed (YITP archive).
- ・YKIS2022a: Gravity - The Next Generation-, Feb.14-Feb.18, 2022 (YITP archive).
- Molecule-type workshops
- ・Topological Phase and Quantum Anomaly 2021, Jul.26-Aug.6, 2021 (YITP archive).
- ・Chiral Anomaly in Periodically Driven System, Aug.2-Aug.6, 2021 (YITP archive).
- ・Extreme Outflows in Astrophysical Transients, Aug.23-Aug.27, 2021 (YITP archive).
- ・Galaxy shape statistics and Cosmology, Nov.29-Dec.3, 2021 (YITP archive).
- ・Quantum computing for quantum field theories 2022, Feb.21-Mar.4, 2022 (YITP archive).
- ・Upcoming CMB observations and Cosmology, Mar.22-Mar.30, 2022 (YITP archive).
Workshops in 2020
Workshops in 2019
- Long-term workshops
- ・Quantum Information and String Theory 2019, May 27-Jun.28, 2019 (YITP archive).
- ・Multi-Messenger Astrophysics in the Gravitational Wave Era, Sep.24-Oct.25, 2019 (YITP archive).
- ・YKIS2019:Black Holes and Neutron Stars with Gravitational Waves, Oct.7-Oct.11, 2019 (YITP archive).
- International Molecule-type workshops
- ・Frontiers in Lattice QCD and related topics, Apr.15-Apr.26, 2019 (YITP archive).
- ・Resonance instability in cosmology and their observational consequences, May 7-May 20, 2019
(YITP archive).
- ・Nuclear Fission Dynamics 2019, Oct.26-Nov.8, 2019 (YITP archive).
- ・Quantum kinetic theories in magnetic and vortical fields, Dec.9-Dec.20, 2019 (YITP archive).
- ・Tidal Disruption Events: General Relativistic Transients, Jan.14-Jan.25, 2020 (YITP archive).
Workshops in 2018
- Long-term workshops
- ・New Frontiers in QCD 2018 (NFQCD 2018) -- Confinement, Phase Transition, Hadrons, and Hadron Interactions --, May 28-Jun.29, 2018 (YITP archive).
- ・YKIS2018b:Recent Developments in Quark-Hadron Sciences, Jun.11-Jun.15, 2018 (YITP archive).
- ・New Frontiers in String Theory 2018, Jul.2-Aug.3, 2018 (YITP archive).
- International Molecule-type workshops
- ・Floquet Theory: Fundamentals and Applications, Apr.9-Apr.20, 2018 (YITP archive).
- ・Rheology of disordered particles - suspensions, glassy and granular materials, Jun.18-Jun.29, 2018 (YITP archive).
- ・Dynamics in Strong Gravity Universe, Sep.1-Sep.14, 2018 (YITP archive).
- ・Nucleosynthesis and electromagnetic counterparts of neutron-star mergers: Preparation for the new discovery, Mar.11-Mar.30, 2019 (YITP archive).
- ・Hadron Interactions and Polarization from Lattice, Quark Model and High-Energy Collisions,
Mar.25-Apr.5, 2019 (YITP archive).
Workshops in 2017
- Long-term workshops
- ・Novel Quantum States in Condensed Matter 2017, Oct.23-Nov.24, 2017 (YITP archive).
- ・Gravity and Cosmology 2018, Jan.29-Mar.9, 2018 (YITP archive).
- ・YKIS2018a:General Relativity -- The Next Generation --, Feb.19-Feb.23, 2018 (YITP archive).
- International Molecule-type workshops
- ・Strangeness and charm in hadrons and dense matter, May 15-May 26, 2017 (YITP archive).
- ・Next-generation cosmology with large-scale structure: The CosKASI-ICG-NAOC-YITP joint workshop, Sep.4-Sep.15, 2017 (YITP archive).
- ・Recent Development in Microstuctures of Black Holes, Nov.20-Dec.1,2017 (YITP archive).
Workshops in 2016
- Long-term workshops
- ・Quantum Information in String Theory and Many-body Systems, May 23-Jun.24, 2016 (YITP archive).
- ・YKIS2016:Quantum Matter, Spacetime and Information, Jun.13-Jun.17, 2016 (YITP archive).
- ・Nuclear Physics, Compact Stars, and Compact Star Mergers 2016, Oct.17-Nov.18, 2016 (YITP archive).
- International Molecule-type workshops
- ・Exotic states of matter with SU(N) symmetry -Realizing SU(N) symmetries in condensed matter,
Jul.4-Jul.15, 2016 (YITP archive).
- ・Realistic hadron interactions in QCD, Nov.21-Dec.2, 2016 (YITP archive).
- ・Recent Progresses in Nuclear Structure Physics 2016 (NSP2016), Dec.5-Dec.23, 2016 (YITP archive).
- ・Transient Universe in the Big Survey Era: Understanding the Nature of Astrophysical Explosive Phenomena, Jan.16-Jan.27,2017 (YITP archive).
Workshops in 2015
- Long-term workshops
- ・New Frontiers in Non-equilibrium Physics 2015, Jul.21-Aug.23, 2015 (YITP archive).
- ・YKIS2015: New Frontiers in Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics 2015, Aug.17-Aug.19, 2015
(YITP archive).
- ・Computational Advances in Nuclear and Hadron Physics, Sep.21-Oct.30, 2015 (YITP archive).
- International Molecule-type workshops
- ・Black Hole Information Loss Paradox, May 18-May 29, 2015 (YITP archive).
- ・Vlasov‐Poisson : towards numerical methods without particles, Jun.1-Jun.12, 2015 (YITP archive).
- ・Radiation Reaction in General Relativity, Jun.22-Jul.10, 2015 (YITP archive).
- ・Selected topics in the physics of the Quark-Gluon Plasma and Ultrarelativistic Heavy Ion Collisions, Sep.7-Sep.26, 2015 (YITP archive).
- ・Exotic hadrons from high energy collisions, Mar.23-Apr.6, 2016 (YITP archive).
Workshops in 2014
- Long-term workshops
- ・Holographic vistas on Gravity and Strings, May 11-Jul.18, 2014 (YITP archive).
- ・Novel Quantum States in Condensed Matter 2014 (NQS2014), Nov.4-Dec.5, 2014 (YITP archive).
- ・YKIS2014: Nonequilibrium Phenomena in Novel Quantum States, Dec.3-Dec.5, 2014 (YITP archive).
- ・Hadrons and Hadron Interactions in QCD 2015(HHIQCD2015), Feb.15-Mar.21, 2015 (YITP archive).
- International Molecule-type workshops
- ・Relativistic cosmology, Sep.8-Sep.19, 2014 (YITP archive).
- ・Structure and reaction of light exotic nuclei, Jan.6-Jan.23, 2015 (YITP archive).
- ・Frontiers of Statistical Mechanics : from Non-equilibriumFluctuations to Active Matter,
Feb.4-Feb.17, 2015 (YITP archive).
Workshops in 2013
- Long-term workshops
- ・Gravitational Waves and Numerical Relativity, May 19-Jun.22, 2013 (YITP archive).
- ・YKIS2013: Gravitational Waves, Jun.3-Jun.7, 2013 (YITP archive).
- ・Supernovae and Gamma-Ray Bursts 2013, Oct.14-Nov.15, 2013 (YITP archive).
- ・New Frontiers in QCD 2013 --- Insight into QCD matter from heavy-ion collisions ---,
Nov.18-Dec.20, 2013 (YITP archive).
- International Molecule-type workshops
- ・Local Enhancement of Superexchange Interaction in High-Temperature Superconductors,
Apr.8-Apr.19, 2013 (YITP archive).
- ・Physics of Granular Flows, Jun.23-Jul.6, 2013 (YITP archive).
- ・The CMB and theories of the primordial universe, Aug.19-Sep.4, 2013 (YITP archive).
- ・Modified gravity, Dec.5-Dec.20, 2013 (YITP archive).
- ・New correlations in exotic nuclei and advances of theoretical models, Mar.10-Mar.23, 2014
(YITP archive).
- ・Exotic structures of spacetime, Mar.10-Mar.21, 2014 (YITP archive).
Workshops in 2012
- Long-term workshops.
- ・Gauge/Gravity Duality, Sep.24-Oct.26, 2012 (YITP archive).
- ・YKIS2012: From Gravity to Strong Coupling Physics, Oct.15-Oct.19, 2012 (YITP archive).
- ・Gravity and Cosmology 2012, Nov.18-Dec.22, 2012(YITP archive).
- International Molecule-type workshops
- ・Theory of X-Ray Spectroscopy for Strongly Correlated Electron Systems, Jun.15-Jun.29, 2012
(YITP archive).
- ・Nonlinear massive gravity and its observational test, Jul.23-Aug.9, 2012 (YITP archive).
- ・Nuclear equation of state and hypernuclear physics, Jan.4-Jan.31, 2013 (YITP archive).
- ・Coexistence of weak and strong binding in unstable nuclei and its dynamics, Mar.4-Mar.22, 2013
(YITP archive).
Workshops in 2011
- Long-term workshops.
- ・Dynamics and correlations in exotic nuclei, Sep.20-Oct.28, 2011 (YITP archive).
- ・YKIS2011: Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei, Oct.11-Oct.15, 2011 (YITP archive).
is published: Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl. No. 196
- ・Novel Quantum States in Condensed Matter: Correlation, Frustration and Topology,
Nov.7-Dec.9, 2011(YITP archive).
- International Molecule-type workshops
- ・Dense strange nuclei and compressed baryonic matter, Apr.18-May 18, 2011 (YITP archive).
- ・Renormalization Group Approach from Ultra Cold Atoms to the Hot QGP, Aug.22-Sep.9, 2011
(YITP archive).
- ・New-type of Fermions on the Lattice, Feb.9-Feb.24, 2012 (YITP archive).
- ・Nuclear forces and neutron-rich matter, Mar.1-Mar.31, 2012 (YITP archive).
- ・Recent advances in numerical and analytical methods for black hole dynamics, Mar.25-Apr.8, 2012
(YITP archive).
- Symposium
- ・Perspectives in Theoretical Physics -From Quark-Hadron Sciences to Unification of Theoretical Physics-,
Feb.6-Feb.8, 2012 (YITP archive).
Workshops in 2010
- Long-term workshops
- ・Gravity and Cosmology 2010, May 24-Jul.16, 2010 (YITP archive).
- ・YKIS2010: Cosmology -- The Next Generation --, June 28-July 2, 2010 (YITP archive).
is published: Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl. No. 190
- ・High Energy Strong Interactions - Parton Distributions and Dense QCD Matter -, Jul.26-Aug.27, 2010 (YITP archive).
is published: Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl. No. 187 
- International Molecule-type workshops
- ・Exotics from Heavy-Ion Collisions, May 17-May 30, 2010 (YITP archive)
- ・Nuclear structure/reaction and surface of neutron star studied with time-dependent Hartree-Fock theory, Mar.1-Mar.21, 2011 (YITP archive).
- ・Cosmological perturbation and CMB, Mar.13-Mar.26, 2011 (YITP archive).
Workshops in 2009
- Long-term workshops
- ・YKIS2009: "Frontiers in Nonequilibrium Physics - Fundamental theory, glassy & granular materials, computational physics - ", Jul.21-Aug.21, 2009 (YITP archive).
is published: Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl. No. 184 
- ・Branes, Strings and Black Holes, Sep.28-Nov.1, 2009 (YITP archive).
- ・New Frontiers in QCD 2010 --- Exotic Hadron Systems and Dense Matter ---, Jan.18-Mar.19, 2010 (YITP archive).
is published: Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl. No. 186 
- International Molecule-type workshops
- ・Role of local structures in high-temperature superconductors , Oct.11-Oct.26, 2009 (YITP archive).
- ・Algebraic aspect of chiral symmetry for the study of excited baryons , Nov.2-Nov.20, 2009
(YITP archive).
- ・Lattice QCD at Finite Density , Jan.10-25, 2010 (YITP archive).
- ・The non-Gaussian universe , Mar.15-Mar.28, 2010 (YITP archive).
Workshops in 2008
- Long-term workshops
- ・Spin Transport in Condensed Matter , Oct.27-Nov.28, 2008 (YITP archive).
- ・16th YKIS: Particle Physics beyond the Standard Model , Jan.26-Mar.25, 2009 (YITP archive).
is published: Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl. No. 180
- International Molecule-type workshops
- ・Inflationary Cosmology, Apr.1-Jun.30, 2008.
- ・Aspects of Quantum Integrability, Jul.16-Aug.6, 2008 (YITP archive).
- ・Entropy production before QGP, Aug.1-Aug.28, 2008 (YITP archive).
- ・Fundamental theory of nonequilibrium statistical mechanics from a view of complex eigenvalue problems of the Liouville operator,and its application to biological systems, Oct.1-31, 2008
(YITP archive).
- ・Alpha-and dineutron-correlation in nuclear many-body systems, Oct.6-Oct.24, 2008 (YITP archive).
- ・Higher Derivative Gravity and Higher Dimensional Black Holes , Oct.16-Nov.5, 2008.
- ・Non-equilibrium quantum field theories and dynamic critical phenomena, Mar.5-Mar.19, 2009
(YITP archive).
Workshops in 2007
- Long-term workshops
- ・Scientific program on Gravity and Cosmology, Sep.3-Sep.28, 2007 (YITP archive).
- ・YKIS2007:Interaction and Nanostructural Effects in Low-Dimensional Systems, Nov.5-30, 2007
(YITP archive).
is published: Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl. No. 176 
- ・New Frontiers in QCD 2008: fundamental problems in hot and/or dense matter, Jan.28-Mar.21, 2008 (YITP archive).
is published: Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl. No. 174 
- International Molecule-type workshops
- ・Towards the precise predictions of CP violation, Oct.20-Oct.27, 2007.
- ・Black holes in dense stellar system, Dec., 2007-Jan., 2008.