
October 31st (Thursday)

[session 1]Chair: T. Kunihiro
10:00-10:10opening address
10:10-10:45 T. Hatsuda
[slide] In-medium Hadrons: Theoretical Overview
10:45-11:10 K. Masuda
(Univ. of Tokyo/RIKEN)
[slide] Hadron-Quark Crossover and Neutron Star Observations
11:10-11:35 T. Iritani
[slide] Partial restoration of chiral symmetry in the flux tube from lattice QCD
11:35-12:00 U. Yakhshiev
(Inha Univ.)
[slide] Structure changes of the nucleon in nuclear matter
12:00-13:00 -- Lunch --
[session 2]Chair: T. Hatsuda
13:00-13:25 K. Ohtani
(Tokyo Inst. of Tech.)
[slide] Nucleon spectral function in nuclear medium from QCD sum rules
13:25-13:50 M. Ukai
(Tohoku Univ.)
[slide] Study of the Λ g-factor in hypernuclei via the γ ray spectroscopy at J-PARC
13:50-14:15 R. Seki
(California State Univ.)
[slide] In-medium Tomozawa-Weinberg Relation with nuclear correlation effects
14:15-14:40 S. Masumoto
(Univ. of Tokyo)
[slide] π0π± photoprodution on the deuteron at ELPH
14:40-15:10 -- Break --
[session 3]Chair: V. Metag
15:10-15:35 S. Goda
(Kyoto Univ.)
[slide] Partial restoration of chiral symmetry and in-medium pion properties
15:35-16:00 K. Itahashi
[slide] Systematic study of deeply bound pionic atom and future perspectives
16:00-16:25 N. Ikeno
(Nara Women's Univ.)
[slide] Formation spectra of deeply bound pionic atoms in the (d,3He) reactions
16:25-17:00 A. Gal
(Hebrew Univ.)
[slide] In-medium K- and Eta meson interactions, and bound state calculations, revisited
17:00-17:35 P. Moskal
(Jagiellonian Univ.)
[slide] Search for the eta-mesic helium in the deuteron-deuteron fusion reaction
17:35-18:00 A. Khoukaz
(Univ. Münster)
[slide] Investigation of the He3-eta system in deuteron-proton collisions at COSY-ANKE
18:30- -- Party --

November 1st (Friday)

[session 4]Chair: A. Gal
9:00-9:35 C. Curceanu
[slide] Advances and perspectives in the low-energy kaon-nucleon/nuclei interaction studies at the DAFNE collider
9:35-10:00 Y. Sada
(RIKEN/Kyoto Univ.)
[slide] Analysis status of the J-PARC E15 experiment (a search for deeply-bound Kaonic nuclear state)
10:00-10:25 A. Dote
[slide] Study of K-pp with an effective KbarN potential on coupled-channel Complex Scaling Method
10:25-10:40 -- Break --
[session 5]Chair: C. Curceanu
10:40-11:05 S. Okada
[slide] High-resolution hadronic-atom x-ray spectroscopy with transition-edge-sensor microcalorimeters
11:05-11:30 A.O. Tokiyasu
[slide] Search for the K^-pp bound state via photon induced reaction
11:30-11:55 H. Ekawa
(Kyoto Univ.)
[slide] Kpp search experiment in the d(π+,K+) reaction at J-PARC
12:00-13:00 -- Lunch --
[session 6]Chair: A. Ohnishi
13:00-13:35 M. Miyabe
(ELPH, Tohoku Univ.)
[slide] Recent status and plans at SPring-8 LEPS2 facility
13:35-14:10 S.H. Lee
(Yonsei Univ.)
[slide] Another look at eta' in medium
14:10-14:35 H. Nagahiro
(Nara Women's Univ.)
[slide] eta-prime(958)-nucleus bound states and their formations by missing mass spectroscopies
14:35-15:00 M. Nanova
(Univ. of Giessen)
[slide] η'-nucleus optical potential and the search for η' mesic states in photo nuclear reactions
15:00-15:25 Y.K. Tanaka
(Univ. of Tokyo)
[slide] Plan of η' mesic nucleus spectroscopy with (p,d) reaction at GSI and FAIR
15:25-15:55 -- Break --
[session 7]Chair: M. Takizawa
15:55-16:20 S. Sakai
(Kyoto Univ.)
[slide] In-medium eta' mass and eta'N interaction in vacuum based on chiral effective theory
16:20-16:55 L. Tolos
(Inst. de Ciencias del Espacio)
[slide] Strange and charmed mesons in nuclear matter and nuclei
16:55-17:20 S. Yasui
[slide] Charm hadrons in nuclear medium
17:20-17:45 A. Yokota
(Tokyo Inst. of Tech.)
[slide] Possible existence of charmonium-nucleus bound states
17:45-18:10 Y. Yamaguchi
[slide] Exotic dibaryons with a heavy antiquark
18:10-18:35 A.K. Rai
(Sardar Vallabhbhai National Inst. of Tech.)
[slide] Quarkonia and their decay properties

November 2nd (Saturday)

[session 8]Chair: S.H. Lee
9:00-9:35 H. Hamagaki
(CNS, Univ. of Tokyo)
[slide] Study of hadron properties in QCD medium using the high-energy heavy-ion collisions
9:35-10:00 K. Suzuki
(Tokyo Inst. of Tech.)
[slide] Medium modification of heavy meson spectra from QCD sum rules
10:00-10:25 T. Sawada
(Academia Sinica)
[slide] Backward phi photo-production from C and Cu targets at E_gamma =1.5-2.4 GeV
10:25-10:40 -- Break --
[session 9]Chair: S. Hirenzaki
10:40-11:15 V. Metag
(Univ. of Giessen)
[slide] In-medium properties of hadrons studied with CBELSA/TAPS and HADES
11:15-11:40 Y. Aramaki
[slide] Experimental approach to the mass modification in nucleus by the J-PARC E16 experiment
11:40-12:05   P. Gubler
[slide] The phi meson at finite density from a QCD sum rule + MEM approach
12:05-12:15 R.S. Hayano
(Univ. of Tokyo)
[slide] summary talk
12:15- closing remark