SI2010 (Cosmology & String) Talks:


4 (Wed)

(Chair: K. Hosomichi)
19:00 -- 20:00 Misao Sasaki lecture on Inflationary cosmology I [pdf]

5 (Thu)

(Chair: K. Hikami)
09:10 --11:00 Misao Sasaki lecture on Inflationary cosmology II [pdf1] [pdf2]
11:20 -- 12:00 Tohru Eguchi "K3 surface and Mathieu group M24" [pdf]
Recently we have suggested the possibility of the action of Mathieu group M24 on the elliptic genus of K3 surface and a phenomena analogous to monstrous moonshine. By computing twisted elliptic genus Cheng (arXiv:1005.5415) and Gaberdiel et al (1006.0221) have found strong evidence in in favor of this conjecture. I will briefly explain these developments.

(Chair: Y. Matsuo)
15:30 -- 17:30 Hirotaka Hayashi "More on Dimension-4 Proton Decay Problem in F-theory" [pdf]
(includes lecture on F-theory model building)
Recently, F-theory has been considerably studied for constructing GUT models in string theory. In supersymmetric compactifications for realistic models, dimension-4 proton decay operators have to be brought under control. Although so-called factorized spectral surface scenario, which uses an unbroken U(1) symmetry to forbid dimension-4 proton decay operators, had been considered as one of the solutions in F-theory model buildings, we show that the U(1) symmetry in such a scenario is generically broken in global F-theory compactifications. In the first half of the talk, I will review basic aspects of F-theory model buildings. In the last half, I will discuss the dimension-4 proton decay problem in F-theory.

(Chair: K. Okuyama)
19:00 -- 19:40 Domenico Orlando "Relating Gauge Theories via Gauge/Bethe Correspondence (I) [pdf]"

6 (Fri)

(Chair: H. Kanno)
09:10 -- 10:40 Piotr Sulkowski "Wall-crossing, free fermions and matrix models" [notes(pdf)] [slides(pdf)]
11:00 -- 11:40 Susanne Reffert "Relating Gauge Theories via Gauge/Bethe Correspondence (II) [pdf]"
I use techniques from integrable systems to study relations between gauge theories. The Gauge/Bethe correspondence, introduced by Nekrasov and Shatashvili, identifies the supersymmetric ground states of an N = (2, 2) supersymmetric gauge theory in two dimensions with the Bethe states of a quantum integrable system. I make use of this correspondence to relate three different quiver gauge theories which correspond to three different formulations of the Bethe equations of an integrable spin chain called the tJ model.

(Chair: S. Kawai)
11:50 -- 12:30 Kazunobu Maruyoshi "Deformed Prepotential, Quantum Integrable System and Liouville Field Theory" [ppt]
Recently, it was proposed that the deformed prepotential, which is obtained from the Nekrasov partition function of N=2 gauge theory by taking one deformation parameter to zero while the other finite, is associated with the quantization of 1d integrable system, where the deformation parameter plays the role of the Planck constant. More concretely, the deformed prepotential is conjectured to be obtained from the Bohr-Zommerfeld period of integrable model. We consider this statement in the context of the AGT relation: the relation between the Nekrasov function and the conformal block of 2d CFT. We point out that the above proposal is equivalent to the expected monodromy of the conformal block with an additional degenerate field insertion, which was identified with Wilson and t' Hooft loop operators (on surface operator) in the gauge theory. The differential equation satisfied by the degenerate field inserted conformal block can be mapped to the Schrodinger equation of the integrable model, and the monodromy operations of the conformal block is associated with the Bohr-Zommerfeld periods. This talk is based on the collaboration with Masato Taki (Yukawa Inst.).

(Informal discussion)
14:00 -- 16:30 Hiroaki Kanno "Localization with a Surface Operator, Irregular Conformal Blocks
and Open Topological String"

(Chair: S. Moriyama)
19:00 -- 21:00 Yasuyuki Hatsuda (lecture) "Integrability in AdS/CFT correspondence" [notes(pdf)]

7 (Sat)

(Chair: Y. Kazama)
09:10 -- 10:40 Chung-I Tan "Gauge/String Duality and High Energy Scattering" [pdf]
11:00 -- 11:40 Koji Hashimoto "Nuclear Matrix Model" [ppt]
We propose a new matrix model describing multi-baryon systems. We derive the action from open string theory on the wrapped baryon vertex D-branes embedded in the D4-D8 model of large N holographic QCD. The positions of k baryons are unified into k x k matrices, with spin/isospin of the baryons encoded in a set of k-vectors. We compute energetics and spectra (k=1), short-distance nuclear force (k=2) to reproduce the repulsive core, and three-body nuclear force (k=3). reference : arXiv:1003.4988, 1005.4412

(Chair: Y. Sugawara)
13:30 -- 14:10 Takaaki Ishii "Baryon with Massive Strangeness in Holographic QCD" [pdf]
The Sakai-Sugimoto model, known as the most successful model of holographic QCD, describes massless QCD, while quark masses are non-zero in real QCD. In particular, the strange quark needs to be considered as massive. I talk on a study of the Sakai-Sugimoto model in the presence of three-flavor quark masses, where their contributions to baryon spectra is computed. (Reference: arXiv:0910.1179[hep-th])
14:20 -- 15:00 Tomohisa Takimi "Studies of Nambu-bracket in the M-theory" [pdf]
I would like to give a talk about recent progress in the study of Nambu-bracket related with Lie 3-algebra. In particular, I would like to talk about the relationship between the NC gauge theory with Moyal product, and I would like to talk about the all order solution of the Seiberg-Witten map of the Nambu-bracket.

(Chair: K. Ohta)
15:30 -- 17:30 Satoshi Yamaguchi (lecture) "string theory on CY manifolds" [notes(pdf)]

8 (Sun)

(Chair: K. Ito)
09:10 -- 11:10 Tadashi Takayanagi "Introduction to AdS/CMT" [notes(pdf)]
I would like to give an introduction to recent interplays between holography in string theory and condensed matter physics. I will review the basic ideas of `AdS/condensed matter' and the construction of holographic superconductors. Finally I would like to explain holographic superconductor/insulator phase transitions based on 0911.0962 and 1007.3714.

(Chair: S. Mizoguchi)
19:00 -- 20:30 Gary Shiu lecture on String Cosmology I

9 (Mon)

(Chair: T. Eguchi)
09:00 -- 10:30 Gary Shiu lecture on String Cosmology II
10:45 -- 11:45 Nobuyoshi Ohta "Dilatonic Black Holes in String Theories with Gauss-Bonnet Correction and Their Physical Application" [pdf]
We summarize black hole solutions in Einstein gravity with Gauss-Bonnet term coupled to dilaton in various dimensions, with and without cosmological constant. The numerical solutions are presented and their properties are discussed, including the problem whether the singularity is weakened due to the Gauss-Bonnet term and dilaton. As a physical application of the solutions, we discuss the corrections to the shear viscosity of field theories using AdS/CFT. We show that the dilaton filed has a non-trivial contribution to the ratio of shear viscosity over entropy density and the new lower bound 4/25\pi, obtained from pure Gauss-Bonnet gravity, may have a small violation.

(Chair: S. Mukohyama)
14:00 -- 16:00 Toby Wiseman (lecture)"Black holes and extra dimensions"
16:30 -- 17:30 Tetsuya Shiromizu "Static dipole black objects?" [pdf]

10 (Tue)

(Chair: T. Shiromizu)
09:00 -- 10:30 Toby Wiseman (seminar) "Inhomogeneous Lambda-CDM cosmology from late time expansions" [pdf]

(Chair: T. Tanaka)
16:30 -- 17:30 Antonio De Felice "Galileon and modifications of gravity" [pdf]

11 (Wed)

(Chair: H. Kodama)
10:00 -- 12:00 Sergei Dubovsky (lecture) "String Axiverse"
13:30 -- 15:00 Sergei Dubovsky (seminar) "Exploring the String Axiverse with Precision Black Hole Physics" [archive]

(Chair: J. Soda)
15:30 -- 16:30 Tsutomu Kobayashi "Cosmology with the Galileon field" [pdf]
I will talk about cosmological consequences of the so-called Galileon field. The Galileon field is a scalar field with nonlinear derivative interaction that maintains second order field equations. First, I will consider a Brans-Dicke theory generalized to include Galileon-type self-interaction for the scalar gravitational degree of freedom, and show that this Galileon scalar-tensor theory can be an alternative to dark energy while evading solar-system tests of gravity. Second, I will present a novel kinematically driven inflationary model with the Galileon field. The background evolution and the nature of primordial perturbations in the model will be discussed.
17:00 -- 17:30 Cosimo Bambi "Searching for quantum gravity effects in astrophysical black hole candidates" [pdf]
In the standard picture, the collapsing matter leads to the formation of a Kerr black hole. Nevertheless, this conclusion is based on a set of unproven assumptions that may be violated by quantum gravity effects. For example, this can be true in string theory. Such effects are not small and could indeed be observed/tested by future experiments like VSOP-3.

12 (Thu)

(Chair: K. Maeda)
09:00 -- 10:30 Richard Easther seminar: "The Inhomogeneous Early Universe" [pdf]
11:00 -- 12:00 Jiro Soda "Anisotropic inflation and its observational predictions" [pdf]
I will present a new type of inflation models where the expansion is anisotropic. The models have many observational predictions such as the statistical anisotropy and the mixing between the curvature perturbations and gravitational waves.

(Chair: T. Shiromizu)
15:00 -- 16:00 Kazunori Kohri "Recent topics of modulated reheating/preheating and non-gaussianity" [pdf]
16:30 -- 17:00 Takashi Hiramatsu "Numerical study of Q-ball formation in gravity mediation" [pdf]
We study Q-ball formation in the expanding universe on 1D, 2D and 3D lattice simulations. We obtain detailed Q-ball charge distributions, and find that the distribution is peaked at Q^{3D}_{peak} \simeq 1.9\times 10^{-2} (|\Phi_{in}|/m)^2, which is greater than the existing result by about 60%. Based on the numerical simulations, we discuss how the Q-ball formation proceeds. Also we show some preliminary results of the gravitational waves from the Q-balls.
17:00 -- 17:30 Jinn-Ouk Gong "Phenomenology of multi-field inflation" [pdf]
We discuss the effects of non-trivial generic field space geometry of multi-field inflation. The coupling of heavy and light fields give rise to a distinctive signature in the power spectrum. We also discuss the new contributions to the 3-point correlation function which only arise from the non-trivial geometry of the field space.

13 (Fri)

(Chair: )
09:00 -- 10:30 Zohar Komargodski "Methods in SUSY and SUSY-breaking theories (I)"

(Chair: K. Maeda)
11:00 -- 12:00 Richard Easther lecture 1: "Concordance Cosmology and Particle Physics" [pdf]
13:30 -- 14:30 Richard Easther lecture 2: "Inflationary Observables" [pdf]

(Chair: )
15:00 -- 16:00 Zohar Komargodski "Methods in SUSY and SUSY-breaking theories (II)"
16:30 -- 18:00 Alejandro Ibarra "The Indirect Detection of Dark Matter (I)"

14 (Sat)

(Chair: )
09:00 -- 10:00 Alejandro Ibarra "The Indirect Detection of Dark Matter (II)"

(Chair: S. Mukohyama)
10:30 -- 11:00 Seongchan Park "Kaluza-Klein Dark Matter" [pdf]
I would like to discuss dark matter inherited genuinely from extra dimension. Theoretical and phenomenological implications will be discussed. Refs: arXiv:1004.4635 arXiv:1002.0602 arXiv:0908.4317 arXiv:0903.1971 arXiv:0901.0720
11:00 -- 12:00 Fuminobu Takahashi "Running Kinetic Inflation" [pdf]